Tuesday 26 June 2012

Reasons To Dress Up Everyday

Sunnies: Wayfarer Ray-Ban / Necklace: Aldo / Earrings: Primark
Denim Shirt: Stradivarius / Bag: Paul's Boutique 'AMY' / Leggins: Primark / Shoes: Aldo

Hello addicts 

How was the weekend? Hope y'all had fun and that you've looked your best :)

Today I'm bringing you a list of 10 reasons of why you (men/women) should dress up everyday. We all know that some people only dress up in special occasions. Dinners with friends, families get together, night out, office party, or when we go on holidays and want those great pictures. But why not dress up everyday and boost your confidence? Don't be afraid of exposure and critics, after all, whether you're doing it right or wrong, people will talk. We can't please romans and trojans! But don't forget that first impressions are the most important. And everyday we give someone a first impression of ourselves, so make sure you look fabulous. Dress up, you only live once, so enjoy.

Love, Hilaria

10 Reasons To Dress Up Everyday 
1. You deserve to look your best at all times
2. Fashion is a method of self-expression
3. It's fun and challenging
4. It's a talking point
5. You never know what might happen today
6. Parties aren't the only place to get some 'wow' looks and compliments
7. Fashion makes art come alive
8. If you've got it, show it
9. There's no better feeling then to look in the mirror and love what you're seeing
10. You want to, and there's no better reason

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hello Fashion Addicts

Hello addicts 

As the majority of you, I'm ANOTHER FASHION ADDICT !!
I wanted to start this blog for ages, but I was being so lazy, because I know it takes time. So today I decided to start. It's a bit overwhelming to be honest... I hope I don't disappoint you all, and that as time goes by I improve!

Love, Hilaria